Better Sleep Can Be Yours

Women’s Services At Ochsner St. Anne
April 30, 2018
Bridge Crossing for Graduates
April 30, 2018
Women’s Services At Ochsner St. Anne
April 30, 2018
Bridge Crossing for Graduates
April 30, 2018

Everyone suffers from sleepless nights from time to time. We’ve all been there: You’re tossing and turning, squinting at the clock in the darkness, becoming more anxious as the hours tick by. Finally, you sleep – only to awaken to the blare of the alarm clock a mere two hours later. You drag yourself through your workday and eventually you’re home and sleeping soundly again. For some people, this isn’t just an occasional occurrence. Every night, sleep disorders rob millions of valuable, restorative sleep. Sleep disorders affect an estimated 80 million Americans. The four most common sleep disorders are insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, and narcolepsy.

Sleep disorders can affect your health by leading to daytime drowsiness, and a lack of sleep can also have serious ramifications for your overall health. In fact, sleep loss can have wide-ranging effects on your cardiovascular, endocrine, and immune systems, among others. Sleep allows your body to reboot itself, allowing for tissue repair and restoration. It’s just one of the many ways the body protects itself against illness.

Sleep loss, a common side effect of sleep disorders, can also increase your risk for diabetes, or impaired glucose tolerance. Sleep disorders and issues with sleep can also lead to a host of other health problems, including anxiety symptoms, a depressed mood, and increased alcohol use.

If you’re having trouble getting quality sleep, there are things you can do to help you get more zzz’s:

• Cut out caffeine. Coffee can affect your ability to sleep even six hours later.

• Practice good sleep hygiene. Make your bedroom a comfortable, sleep-inducing environment. Keep your bedroom cool and well ventilated. Studies suggest that the blue light from smartphones or laptops can suppress your body’s production of melatonin.

• Avoid naps in the middle of the day, even if you’re groggy from a previous night’s bad sleep.

If you are one of the millions of Americans struggling with chronic sleep problems, act now. The Sleep Disorders Center of Thibodaux Regional has solutions.

For more information visit or call 985-493-4759.