Physical Activity Vital to Staying Healthy

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Did you know that as a child ages, physical activity dramatically declines? Children who are encouraged to lead healthy, active lifestyles early in life are more likely to continue that journey into adulthood. While exercise is a vital part of your family’s well-being, we often overlook the many emotional and physical health benefits of physical activity.

Aerobic exericse can increase enthusiasm and optimism while reducing anxiety, tension, and depression. Aerobic exercise can also control weight and body fat reducing the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease later in life.

Exercises like Yoga and karate, and a variety of sports such as archery and golf are muscle-strengthening exercises. These exercises increase muscle strength, endurance, and flexibility, improving the ability to fall asleep quickly and sleep well.

Always keep in mind not to overdo it. Exercise and physical activity should be fun, not hurtful. Starting with a less vigorous activity that builds in intensity and length over time is one of the best ways to encourage physical activity as a daily part of your family’s lifestyle.

Exercising together while enjoying a balanced food plan supplies the muscles with wholesome, energetic life. Remember, be a role model! Children who repeatedly see parents having fun with different types of physical activity and exercise are more than likely to achieve a healthy lifestyle themselves.

It is never too late to start! The Fitness Center, located in Thibodaux Regional Wellness Center, encourages family health and wellness through a variety of activities. Details can we found at www. or call 985-493-4950 to learn more about opportunities to improve your health as a family.