Restore or Retreat calls for volunteers for planting on historic barrier island, West Grand Terre

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Restore or Retreat, a regionally-based coastal advocacy non-profit is excited to announce the upcoming planting and continued restoration of the barrier island, West Grand Terre.


Restore or Retreat was created in 2000 by coastal Louisiana residents and stakeholders who recognize that the Barrataria and Terrebonne basins are the two most rapidly eroding estuaries on earth, and that this erosion represents an economic and ecological crisis. With a growing membership of businesses and individuals, Restore or Retreat seeks to identify and expedite the implementation of aggressive, large-scale restoration projects to protect this irreplaceable region– including local plantings, such as the upcoming one in West Grand Terre.


The historic island West Grand Terre, where the planting will take place, is home to Fort Livingston and is located due east of Grand Isle. The restoration of the island is scheduled to occur on Saturday October 5, 2024.


“With the support of grants and generous private business partners we are looking forward to having our volunteers plant approximately 7,000 plants on the north western marsh of the rock revetment. The two species being planted are Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans) and Vermillion Smoothcord (Spartina alterniflora), which will work on several critical areas of concern for the island,” said Polly Glover with Restore or Retreat. “This project’s primary focus is erosion control with sediment retention for storm protection and habitat creation for the fisheries and migratory birds that visit the island, which will support the long term resiliency of the island.”


The planting will aid and compliment the previously installed phase-one planting on the island in November of 2022. In total, Restore or Retreat alongside their volunteers will have placed approximately 15,000 plants on the island after completion of this planting.


The meet-up location for the planting will be the Grand Isle Marina (former Sand Dollar) via GoogleMaps, with registration beginning at 8:00 AM on October 5, 2024. The first boat leaving by 8:30 AM. Since multiple boat trip trips will be required, volunteers may be assigned a specific boat-departure time prior to the day of the event. Participants can expect to be back to the Grand Isle Marina by 3:00 PM. Register in advance here.


Restore or Retreat would like to thank our grantors and private businesses who have assisted with making this planting come to fruition. Grants from the 2024 Conservation and Restoration Partnership fund of the Coastal Protection Restoration Authority along with a grant from CITGO thru Restore America’s Estuaries were received.


“The grant from CITGO is a part of the ‘Caring for our Coast’ initiative that is celebrating 10 years of supporting the restoration efforts of our precious wetlands,” explained Restore or Retreat Executive Director, Joseph Orgeron.


Restore or Retreat also wishes to thank the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and Jefferson Parish Government, alongside GIS, Off the Hook restaurants, and Five S.


Please watch for an update on the planting and another upcoming announcement of a large-scale restoration project that the public will want to come join us for. For more information please visit