In Praise of Mary Landrieu

Lila Plake
August 13, 2007
Saints work on special teams errors
August 15, 2007
Lila Plake
August 13, 2007
Saints work on special teams errors
August 15, 2007

Dear Editor,

As president of the Louisiana Oil and Gas Association (LOGA), I wish to comment Sen. Mary Landrieu on her vote against the Baucus and Reid energy tax packages recently brought before the U.S. Senate.

It is most likely that another round of similar bills will come around for another vote, and I am hopeful that she will continue to remain vigilant in the face of these oppressive tax and energy policy proposals.

Massive new tax increases like this will only hurt business and consumers, and act as a disincentive to oil, natural gas and energy production. These taxes are passed directly down to consumers and small businesses via higher prices of natural gas, home heating oil and at the pump. The harshest effects are felt by those least able to afford it, namely small business and low or fixed income individuals.

LOGA was organized to represent the independent sectors of the oil and gas industry here in Louisiana, including exploration, production and oilfield service. Our members include over 800 companies doing business in the state.

New taxes will jeopardize each and every one of these businesses and the economy of our state, not to mention that of the entire nation. Energy measures such as these will not serve our country well, and we depend upon our trusted officials like Sen. Landrieu to guard our well-being.

Don G. Briggs

President, Louisiana Oil and Gas Association