Memorial Day more than a day away from the office

Cleveland Verdin
May 26, 2008
Dr. Charles "Chuck" Binford
May 28, 2008
Cleveland Verdin
May 26, 2008
Dr. Charles "Chuck" Binford
May 28, 2008

Dear Editor,

I heard on the news of plans for gala events planned for “Memorial Day” weekend. Food, outdoor entertainment, family trips to the park and beach and, of course, boating and camping outings.

It was a great promotion for the weekend. It increased tourist dollars spent within the economic community without question. However, I pondered the question: What price was paid for us to have these festive opportunities?

It surely was not paid in dollars and cents, rather in blood on the battlefields all over the world.

We in these United States sometimes forget that the marketplace for “Liberty” can only be found in the pits of despair, heartbreak and destruction. True and macabre as it may be, it is out of the ashes of hell purchased by the suffering of many that peace and freedom arise. And then it is only by the grace of God that the battle is won, for justice is in the hand of the righteous.

Now, admittedly, I’m not a Bible-packing person; however, I do realize that a far higher power has given us the ability to enjoy life. This great country of ours was fostered out of freedom. Over a million of our countrymen have paid the price of life for the idea of freedom to continue.

We have not known the hell of war on our doorsteps since the Civil War. I can assure you it is only because of the million-plus Americans – who lost their lives fighting in wars and conflicts – that battles have been contained abroad.

To my thinking, we should be celebrating Memorial Day on the day assigned by Congress, May 30, not the final Monday of the month, ensuring simply that we get another day off from work.

Memorial Day is intended to recognize those who have given their all, not just to serve as another day of fun spent away from the office. Therein lies the paradox: many fought hard and gave all, making the day at the beach or around the barbeque pit possible. As long as we remember those who have paid the ultimate price as we enjoy the bounty of their sacrifices, we pay them a fitting tribute. However to exclude the men and women who have stood before hell in order to prevent the fall of liberty is nothing more than a slap for their efforts.

Memorial Day had its start in 1868 and was originally known as “Decoration Day” because of the flower petals spread among the graves of those fallen in battle. The present name debuted in 1954 as “Memorial Day.” The day is set aside to reflect of the sacrifices made for freedom. In doing so we celebrate freedom.

Over the years it seems we have lost focus on the reason for Memorial Day. That is truly evident in the flurry of promotions for the day. In brief; we should celebrate the lives of those who have sacrificed by enjoying the freedom they have won, not because it gives us another day off.

Forrest A. Travirca III
