Reader takes issue with T-PT’s Landry editorial

Hwy 308 reopened to traffic
June 28, 2011
John Alford Ashley
June 30, 2011
Hwy 308 reopened to traffic
June 28, 2011
John Alford Ashley
June 30, 2011

Dear Editor,

In the June 8, 2011, issue of the Tri-Parish Times, there was an op-ed condemning Congressman Jeff Landry for his decision to decline an invitation from the White House, which was extended to all House Republicans to meet with the President.

Your accusation that Landry’s decision put him in the position of not representing the people of Louisiana’s 3rd Congressional District is way off mark.

Landry made a decision that was right for us and for the rest of the country. We sent him to D.C. to be our voice, and he is speaking loudly. We did not send him there to beg for money like a pauper in a Charles Dickens novel, but to stand firm, draw a line in the sand, and boldly say: No! We will go no further.

The collective power of Congress can be mighty in resisting the fundamental change of our nation, which is presently taking place.

However, it must be willing to discern the actions of those in power, and to project the outcome of mindlessly following political protocol, as Landry bravely did, or it will find itself compromised to the point of irrelevance, and members inappropriately playing golf with progressive leaders who are unconcerned about the lives of young American warriors engaged in battle, increasing unemployment, rising gas and food prices, out of control debt, and a tanking economy, except in an election year, of course.

As a result of Landry’s actions, all Republican representatives should take courage and stand confidently against the current regime and its destructive policies. The objective is not who can bring home the most “loot” from the largess, it is to decrease government intrusion in our lives, and end government sanctioned theft and redistribution of our hard earned income.

Keep up the good work, congressman!

Theresa-Marie Ellender,

Bourg, La.