Terrebonne General Updates Visitor Policy

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With the recent rise in COVID cases, Terrebonne General announced they have taken the precautions needed to keep their patients and staff safe. The following are visitation policies at this time:

  • General Visiting Hours 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. The patient’s appointed support person/care team member is not considered a visitor and is allowed and encouraged to be with the patient outside of visiting hours, unless treatment circumstances prevent this. One visitor is allowed to be with the patient during visiting hours. Children under 17 years of age are not allowed to visit unless special circumstances exist and approval by Nursing Leadership is obtained. Visitors may switch out during the visiting hours; however, the switching of visitors must be done outside the facility. (i.e.- one person must leave for the other to come into the hospital) A total of two visitors per 24 hour period is allowed.
    • One person is allowed to remain overnight with the patient provided it does not cause a disruption to patient care. The overnight visitor must arrive by 6:00 p.m. and remain in the patient’s room for the duration of the night. If they leave the facility at any time during the night, they will not be allowed back in until morning visiting resumes. This overnight visitor is counted as one of the two allowed visitors in a 24 hour time frame.
  • Emergency Department: The Emergency Department reserves the right to limit visitation based on operational and situational concerns. One person is allowed to be with the patient in the Emergency Department. Visitors cannot switch out. Should admission be required, they will follow the general inpatient visitation guidelines of the area of admission. For patients less than 17 years of age, both parents will be allowed with the patient. Emergency Department leadership may make changes to this policy if needed in order to avoid overcrowding if necessary or to accommodate special circumstances. Children under the age of 12 shall not be allowed at the bedside unless approved by Emergency Department Leadership Staff. No visitor will be allowed with the PEC patient unless ED Leadership determines it in consultation with the ED provider and social services that it is in the patient’s best interest and it is safe to do so.
  • Hospice: To the extent possible, visitors of Hospice patients shall be allowed unrestricted visiting privileges, including, but not limited to, children of all ages. This will be arranged and communicated with the respective Nurse Director and Supportive Care Department
  • Critical Care Services (CCW): Visiting times are as follows: 8:30AM to 9:30AM; 12:30PM-1:30PM; and 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Only one visitor at a time is allowed to visit. Children 17 years of age and over are allowed to visit, however they do count as one of the visitors. Visitors are not allowed to switch out during the visiting time. Different visitors can come at each period, however. If needed, visitors may be called to come at alternate times for family meetings with the medical staff, etc. This will be arranged by the Critical Care staff, and social services or supportive care. Critical Care Leadership can make exceptions to these visitation guidelines depending on the special circumstance.
  • Post-Acute Care Visiting: The Health & Rehabilitation Center/Skilled Nursing: Visitation is encouraged during the following hours Monday through Friday 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM; Saturday 12:00 AM to 6:00 PM; Sunday 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. One visitor at a time can visit. Visitors cannot switch out during the visitation periods as per general hospital guidelines. Should there be stricter guidelines per LDH for SNF, those guidelines will be followed. Based on patient and staff needs, these hours may be modified for both Rehab and SNF at Post Acute leadership discretion.
  • PACU: Visiting shall not be permitted except in specific unusual circumstances, i.e.: inconsolable children, patients requiring long recovery periods or overnight stays.
  • Women’s Services:
    • OB Triage: One support person is allowed with the patient in the OB Triage room.
    • Antepartum Patients: One support person is allowed with the patient at all times.
    • Labor and Delivery and Postpartum: (Delivering patients and post-delivery patients): Two support persons will be allowed to stay with the mother 24/7 from admission until delivery. They both will be allowed to attend delivery, unless otherwise directed by the OB physician. In the event of an emergency C-section or epidural/spinal anesthesia administration, visitors shall be required to leave during the procedure. Once the patient has delivered, the second person will be required to leave.
    • NICU: Mother and Father are allowed to visit 24/7. However, after 6:00 p.m. it is discouraged unless needed for feedings or change in condition. Times in which visitors may be asked to leave will be during shift change, MD rounds, NICU admits or emergencies.
    • GYN Patients: One visitor will be allowed with the patient from admission until discharged home following outpatient procedures. Should the patient require admission, they will follow the same procedure for general inpatient admissions in regards to visiting policy. Patients 17 and under will be allowed to have both parents or two visitors at parent’s approval at all times.
    • Pediatrics (<17) – Both parents/legal guardians can visit 24/7 from admission to discharge. For overnight stays, the parent/legal guardian must be present by 6:00 p.m. and remain for the duration of the night.
    • Maternal Fetal Medicine- One support person will be allowed with the patient.
  • Out Patient Pavilion: One visitor may be with the patient in OPP at all times. However, the Out Patient Pavilion reserves the right to limit visitation based on operational and situational concerns.
  • Medical Outpatient Testing (Radiology, Lab etc.)- One person will be allowed with the patient during their out-patient testing visit.
  • Inpatient Rehabilitation  2 visitors per visitation time ~ Monday through Friday 4:00pm-6:00pm, Saturday 12:00pm-6:00pm, and Sunday 9:00am -6:00pm
    • Minor patients (<17) will be allowed to have both parents/legal guardians with them as outlined above.
  • Health and Rehabilitation Center– One visitor is allowed on Rehab and SNF at this time from 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.
  • Oncology/Infusion Center– One person will be allowed with the patient during their infusion appointment but must remain at with the patient at all times.

Visiting Regulations:

  • All visitors will be screened for fever and respiratory symptoms
  • Must wear the armband that is placed on them when entering at all times. If it is removed, they must be rescreened for asked to leave.
  • Must wear facemasks at all times while in our facility whether they are vaccinated or not.
  • Must wear the facemasks while in a patient room visiting in order to protect the patient and our staff whether or not they are vaccinated.
  • Must be 17 years of age or older.
  • Must remain in the patient room and not gather in common areas such as waiting rooms.
  • May go to the cafeteria and coffee/gift shop provided that they wear their masks and practice social distancing.
  • Will be asked to leave if they exhibit symptoms of respiratory infection (fever, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, etc.) or do not comply with our modified visitation practices.
  • No plants or flowers shall be allowed in Critical Care or the Oncology unit. Visitors shall not be permitted to sleep in the patients bed
  • Children 17 years or older may stay overnight with an adult patient at the discretion of the staff.
  • Adults staying overnight with minors shall be parents, guardians or other adults authorized by the parent or guardian to stay with the minor
  • A baby will be allowed to stay overnight with the readmitted post-partum mother as long as the following guidelines are adhered to:
    1. In this situation, the baby is considered a visitor not a patient. Terrebonne General staff is not responsible for providing care to the infant.
    2. The post-partum mother cannot be the primary care taker for the baby; another adult must be present to care for the baby.
    3. If the baby stays overnight with the mother, Terrebonne General will provide a crib or bassinet for the baby to sleep in.
    4. The baby should not be allowed to sleep over night in a car seat or infant carrier.
    5. The family will be responsible for providing all other provisions for the baby such as, but not limited to, diapers, formula, clothes, blankets, bottles.
  • COVID positive patients: We will not allow visitor for COVID positive patients. Staff should assure that updates on patient condition are given to appoint family members daily if the patient is unable to communicate the information or request that the staff and physician provide the updates. In special circumstances, approved by the COVID Medical Team leader and the Nurse Executive, arranged visiting may be scheduled for COVID positive patients.
  • Pediatric COVID positive patients: will be allowed to have one parent/legal guardian with them at all times. However, they cannot leave the room and the visitor must wear a mask at all times.
  • OB COVID positive patients: will be allowed to have significant other with them at all times. However, they cannot leave the room and the visitor must wear a mask.
  • COVID positive Hospice and End of Life Care– A visitor may remain with them 24/7 and will be allowed to switch out once during regular visiting hours. Under special circumstances, more than one visitor may be allowed to remain at the bedside. This will be a decision of Nursing Leadership and the Attending physician.
  • Phone and Video Chat: Should in person visiting not be an option for any particular reason, staff will work with the patient and family/support person(s) to identify specific times to schedule phone calls/chats, etc. as appropriate.

To keep up-to-date, follow them on Facebook, or visit https://www.tghealthsystem.com/.