National Women’s Checkup Day reminds women to take care of themselves

Matthew Jon Parker
May 9, 2022
Joshua LaGarde
May 9, 2022
Matthew Jon Parker
May 9, 2022
Joshua LaGarde
May 9, 2022

Today is National Women’s Checkup Day. Celebrated annually on the second Monday in May, the holiday was created to encourage women to prioritize their health and schedule routine visits to see their doctor. A study conducted by the World Health Organization in 2015 identified cancer, reproductive health, maternal health, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), sexually transmitted infections, violence, mental health, non-communicable diseases, youth, and aging, as the top ten health issues women face across the world.

Scheduling an appointment with your primary care provider can help detect problems earlier, encourage a healthy lifestyle, increase chances for treatment and cure, and reduce healthcare costs. We’ve created a list of ways you can prioritize your health on National Women’s Checkup Day.

  • Adopt a better lifestyle for a healthier you. Hitting the gym three times a week  and practicing a clean diet can help improve your mental health. Getting 30 minutes of exercise a day and getting your daily servings of fruit and vegetables can help reduce anxiety, prevent depression, and improve self-esteem.
  • Schedule a health screening. You should visit your primary care physician or gynecologist annually to receive a yearly physical exam, pap smear, and mammogram if necessary. Visiting your doctor regularly and building a relationship with your caregiver can help prevent major illness, don’t forget to encourage the women in your life to schedule an appointment too.
  • Help spread awareness. National Women’s Checkup Day serves as a reminder for all women and girls to take the steps necessary to maintain better health. Educating the women in your family and community is a great way to spread awareness on the importance of prioritizing women’s health. In honor of the national holiday, you can share a post on your social media accounts using the hashtag #NationalWomensCheckupDay to help raise awareness on important health topics.
  • Maintain a healthy weight. Monitoring your weight can lower the risk of life-threatening health issues including high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Limiting the amount of high sugar and fatty foods you consume daily can help you maintain a healthy weight.
  • Practice self-care for your mental health. Prioritizing your mental well-being is just as important as visiting your doctor, exercising, and clean eating. Managing stress, meditating, getting enough sleep and practicing mindfulness is a great way to avoid a mental burn out. Try to dedicate at least 15 minutes out of the day to self care and relaxing.