Rain drain problems lead parish to establish fines

Stocks of Local Interest
August 15, 2011
Lillian Callais
August 17, 2011
Stocks of Local Interest
August 15, 2011
Lillian Callais
August 17, 2011

Terrebonne Parish Public Works Director Greg Bush has a problem with the storm drainage system. His problem is lawn clippings and debris being left on roadsides by residents that washes into and clogs storm water escape routes, and in turn causes flooding.

“There has been a lot of rainy days lately,” Bush said. “We understand the challenge that residents and contractors have regarding grass cutting and lawn maintenance. But during the rain events especially, we need to remind everyone of the serious issue of grass shavings being left on the roadside, sidewalks and along drains.

Members of the Terrebonne Parish Council and the Parish Nuisance Abatement Department confirm having received multiple complaints about street flooding caused by lawn trimmings and other debris.

Bush said that leaving obstacles in drainage areas is a violation of a parish ordinance that prohibits littering. Article X Sec. 14-46 reads: “No person shall dump, throw or deposit any litter, refuse, trash, tin cans, bottles, garbage, leaves or any other debris, putrescrible or non-putrescrible, upon his/her property, property belonging to any other person, or upon any or in any public or private roads, on the right-of-way of any public or private highway, public roads, right-of-way, ditches, drainage channels, surface or sub-surface drainage artery, and branches, rivers or waterways, of any kind whatsoever, including, but not limited to, the levees and drainage ways of the Terrebonne Parish drainage system or of any drainage district.”

Bush noted that penalties associated with the ordinance violation include a first violation fine of $250, and second violation of $500 within the same calendar year. Criminal enforcement may also include court proceedings and added fines up to $500 and/or imprisonment not to exceed 60 days on a third violation.

Residents witnessing or wishing to report violations may call the Nuisance Abatement Department at (985) 873-6563.