Injustice in Missouri?

Develop a vision and follow it to find happiness, success
August 21, 2014
Every political race matters
August 21, 2014
Develop a vision and follow it to find happiness, success
August 21, 2014
Every political race matters
August 21, 2014

Dear Editor,

The shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, of the 18-year-old unarmed black male by a policeman is an example of a lawman doing the opposite of what is expected of a lawman; that is to protect the people and the community from harm.

If the witnesses that witnessed that murder are telling the truth, the victim (Michael Brown) was fatally harmed by an officer of the law that delivered several shots to him with his hands up in the air; the victim was executed.

To add more injury to harm, the Missouri Ferguson Police Department seems to be protecting the offender, the officer that murdered the victim.

Flip the above true scenario around to a hypothetical situation: If a black police officer in Ferguson committed the above crime, shot and killed an unarmed white 18-year-old with his hands in the air, it is my belief along with many others in this country, that the black police officer would now be in custody in Ferguson, and the Ferguson Police Department would be separating itself from this criminal act rather than trying to justify it.

In America, we are not living in a dictatorship, we are living in a democracy; everyone has the right to due process. Michael Brown was deprived of that right when Darren Wilson (the Ferguson police officer) shot and killed him with his hands up in the air.

Alfred Waddell,

Barnstable, Maine