Letters to the Editor:

Of a hitchhiker and hot sauce
October 21, 2014
Few options to stop state’s insurance change
October 21, 2014
Of a hitchhiker and hot sauce
October 21, 2014
Few options to stop state’s insurance change
October 21, 2014

Reader: Time for incumbents to go

Dear Editor,

With the election weeks away, we need to start paying attention to the candidates and making informed decisions.

Voting for a candidate because they promise you something free is not good enough.

We are a country in crisis and decay. Our Constitution is being gutted, our rights and freedom are being taken away. Where is the Rule of Law?

The politicians already in office from the lowest level to the highest level with few exceptions are there to take care of themselves the rest of us be damned.

State Sen. Elbert Guillory recently ran an ad in which he pointed out “that the only two things politicians are interested in is getting elected and then getting reelected, nothing else matters.”

We have listened to promises for 60 years from politicians stating they are going to end poverty, homelessness, poor education, etc. All groups targeted for help by the government are now worse off than before the “promising” politicians got involved. This process has been accelerated over the last six years by an administration who believes only government can giveth and taketh away from us, an administration who does not believe in our God given right or in our divinely written Constitution as laid out by our founders.

They have driven a wedge between many different groups of Americans keeping us fighting amongst ourselves hoping to keep us distracted while they take our liberties, our freedom and our money. The administration and government’s greatest fear is that “all” of us will come together and realize what they are doing to us. Divide and conquer has always been the game.

If you think I am being paranoid here are a few examples, government labels people who want them to follow the Constitution as terrorists, but refuses to call the beheading of people around the world terrorism. When a beheading in this country happens they either ignore it or call it “workplace violence.”

Our government opens our borders allowing just anyone to enter with not so much as a criminal background check, with not so much as checking for infectious diseases. Then it allows the Mexican president to speak in front of our Congress to browbeat us. Our own government refuses to lift a finger to help a former marine who sets in a Mexican jail for something the Mexican Army does on a regular bases in El Paso.

A government who will not stop flights back and forth to the African countries with Ebola cases, but on the other hand will stop flights to Israel because they claim a missile landed near the airport.
Now the governmental abuse is moving to lower levels with the mayor of Houston demanding that pastors send they’re sermons to her for approval before they can read them to their congregations.

A man in Oregon is serving a 30-day sentence for collecting rainwater on his property. In California they are using SWAT teams to arrest and close down farmers’ markets.

The list goes on and on, now would be a good time to open your eyes and see what is going on all around you, not just federal and state governments but your local government as well.
The “peace and love” crowd from the ‘60s were played by a few communists, and Marxist and now have positions of power across the country at all levels and are trying to silence all voices that do not agree with them. This ought to have all Americans outraged.

Oh, FYI, the Senate just last month voted cloture on S.J. Res 19 to change the first amendment to put limits on free speech. I guess the Houston mayor got a jump start.

One final thought, this Congress has the lowest approval rating ever, but the incumbents keep getting reelected. If we do not elect morally fit candidates when will things ever change? It is time to get the good old boys and girls out of office replacing them with people willing to save this country; after all, we are an exceptional country.

God bless the USA, Louisiana and all patriots.

Bernard Hargenrader

Houma, Louisiana


LMA seeks support of amendments

Dear Editor,

On Election Day, Nov. 4, voters will decide on statewide constitutional amendments that will have vital importance to local municipal and parish government and the services that they provide.

The Louisiana Municipal Association (LMA) seeks your support of Amendments 3 and 10. The LMA, the Police Jury Association and well over 100 municipalities are supporting these two amendments.

Besides being an issue of fairness, that everyone should pay their fair share of taxes and government budgets need to be made whole, local governments need the tools to efficiently and cost effectively collect delinquent property taxes. With the passage of these two amendments, it will result in the protection of individual property rights, begin the process of eliminating blight, returning abandoned properties to commerce, reducing crime and increasing property values.

Since 1926, the Louisiana Municipal Association has been serving the state’s municipalities in assisting in government service. We are proud to support these two amendments, which will help our communities locally and improve the condition of our residents statewide.

Ronnie C. Harris,

Executive Director,

Louisiana Municipal Association