Letters to the editor: Lawmakers lauded for votes

Jindal vetoes hit disclosure, critics
June 19, 2012
Almighty wants us to carry out the Divine Mission
June 19, 2012
Jindal vetoes hit disclosure, critics
June 19, 2012
Almighty wants us to carry out the Divine Mission
June 19, 2012

Dear Editor:

Over the past few years, the Obama Administration has put the American fossil-fuel industry in its crosshairs. Their argument is simple: oil and gas companies have made profits, therefore, we need to raise their taxes. Yet other big businesses that have lower tax rates and make even higher profits, like tech giant Apple, have not faced new tax proposals from the Obama Administration.

The President’s actions point to an obvious anti-energy bias. And while this bias probably won’t get too much attention in Silicon Valley, it should concern folks in places like Louisiana that depend on energy development. Growing our local economy and creating jobs is tough enough without Washington placing more taxes and regulations on the American energy industry.

Louisiana’s propane businesses continue to support farmers, rural homeowners and small businesses that rely on propane as their primary fuel source. Propane is derived from oil and gas extraction and refining and Louisiana is the No. 2 producer of propane in North America. So when politicians vilify oil and gas, they are also attacking businesses within the Louisiana propane industry.

The current administration’s attitude toward oil and gas has not been lost on anyone in the business community. As Americans look to build a stronger economy and a better future, we must be mindful of any public official that would make decisions based on election year politics rather than sound economic policy.

Jessica Bennett

President, Louisiana Propane Gas Association


Dear Editor:

Thank you to [state] Rep. Stephen Ortego (D-Carencro) for taking the lead in supporting Louisiana’s energy industry with House Bills 1061 and 1213.

HB 1061 makes propane gas more available for public use by authorizing the sale of propane autogas through self-service pumps. HB 1061 has been signed into law by Gov. [Bobby] Jindal as ACT 433.

HB 1213 calls on the state to move to the use of alternative fuel vehicles that are equipped for either natural gas or propane gas. Louisiana is the No. 2 producer in North America. Propane is also the world’s No. 3-ranked auto fuel behind gasoline and diesel.

More than 15 million vehicles across the globe currently run on propane, but America has been slow to accept the clean-burning alternative fuel.

This legislation is a wonderful first step whereby government takes the lead in that transition.

Agencies will be required to purchase these vehicles unless the agency can clarify that a cost savings will not be generated within the first five years of operation. Propane gas is cheaper than gasoline, cleaner burning and thus carries lower maintenance costs for vehicles. The propane industry is confident that the savings will be realized almost immediately.

HB 1213 had overwhelming bi-partisan support by both House and Senate members and is now awaiting signature by Gov. Jindal. I want to thanks Rep. Ortego and the Louisiana Legislature for taking the lead on supporting a vital piece of Louisiana’s economy.

Bryan Cordill

Cordill Propane Service, Inc., La. Propane Gas Assoc.