Reader: LSP captain shares good news

Economic lesson for Obama
July 30, 2013
Reader: ‘I’m a TFA success story’
July 30, 2013
Economic lesson for Obama
July 30, 2013
Reader: ‘I’m a TFA success story’
July 30, 2013

Dear Editor,

This week, I was joined by Gov. Bobby Jindal at the Louisiana State Police Crime Lab to announce some exciting news.

Because of this administration’s commitment to public safety, and as the result of thousands of hours of hard work from dedicated State Police employees, we have successfully eliminated the case backlog at the State Crime Lab.

What that means is that we are now able to operate in real time on solving criminal cases and putting dangerous criminals behind bars.

All of the evidence we collect is being analyzed real time and in-house, and we are working faster than ever before.

The turnaround time on cases has been reduced from a high of 1,000 days to less than 15 days today – including evidence intake, analysis, quality control review and report writing.

All told, we have successfully eliminated a backlog of more than 9,300 cases that existed when Gov. Jindal took office.

As a result, our communities are safer and criminals are being apprehended quicker – potentially preventing them from engaging in additional criminal activity.

I applaud all of our staff at the crime lab for making our streets safer, and I commend the Governor for his unwavering commitment to public safety.

Captain M. Doug Cain II,

Louisiana State Police,

Public Affairs Commander