Conny Trahan
August 31, 2018
Contemporary Living
August 31, 2018
Conny Trahan
August 31, 2018
Contemporary Living
August 31, 2018

Right now. if a hot— brutally hot

But by this time next month, it’s not out of the realm of pos far a cold front to drop temperatures in the lower 80s or maybe even, into the 70s for a few days.

If that happens. no one will be happier than the most avid hunt era, because as soon as the seasons officially change,, the peak of deer hunting season will begin.

Deer hunting is not yet open in Louisiana, but the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries wants hunters to study up on rules and regulations because some zones in Louisiana’s deer hunting map are no w lees than a month away from opening up for the 2018 season.

In Areas 3, 7, 8, 10, hunting opens on Sept. 15 — only for archery bunting. In all other areas, archery is open on Oct 1.

Area 7 is somewhat local and comprises land in St. Mary Parish along the Intra coastal Waterway. Lafourche and Terrebonne are in Area 9, which opens its archery season on Oct. 1.

For firearms, the seasons open about a month later than the archery date — some in mid-to-late October and others in early-November.

“We’re already planning,” said Thibodaux native Roes Bert helot. We are trying to figure out what weekends we are free and where we want to go and when. If a an exciting time. And sometimes planning it all out is as fun as the actual trips themselves. There’s a lot of camaraderie and fun times with the guys.”

Whether or not the archery season will be a success depends an Mother Nature.

Deer are a lot like most humans.

They don’t Like the heat. In fact, they loathe it — so much so that when temperatures are warm, the animals are completely out of sight and out of mind — laying down in grassy areas to stay cool.

“When it’ shot, you will never see one,” longtime hunter Bo Adams said. “You can he out there all day and you won’t even get a sniff. They’re there. But they’re dormant.”

But when the seasons change. so do the patterns of the deer.

Deer are warm-blooded, which means that they use body energy (calories) to regulate their body temperature in times of extreme weather.

When it’s cold, deer deplete their energy storages to stay warm. In Layman’s terms, they get hungry.

When hungry, they, of course, get out of their slumber and graze, which puts them in sight of hunters who are able to make their harvests.

This is why we often hear of hunt era having their best luck right after a cold front passes.

In Louisiana, banters root for long, harsh winters— much like the one we had this past year.

The earlier it gets cold, the better, because that means rnore days in the season will be active.

On years when brutal heat sticks around through late-October or November, the early season is a wash.

“It’s all determined by weather.” Adams said “A lot of people like to go when it’s warmer to scope it all out or just to have something to do But you’re cheating yourself. All you’re doing is giving the deer your scent, which will make it even harder when the weather is right It’s important to stay patient and wait for when the time is right. Which locally, that will be sooner than we think.”