BCF Conference gathered over 100 local nonprofits for strengthening and collaboration

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Over 100 Lafourche, Terrebonne and Grand Isle nonprofit leaders participated in Bayou Community Foundation’s 5th Annual Bayou Region Nonprofit Conference on August 10 at Fletcher Technical Community College.

Sponsored by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana, Entergy and Fletcher, the theme of this year’s conference was “Stronger Together,” with a focus on capacity-building and collaboration.

“Bayou Community Foundation is delighted to bring local nonprofit leaders and volunteers together to learn and network, with a shared goal of strengthening our organizations so we can all serve our community even better,” said Bayou Community Foundation Executive Director, Jennifer Armand.

Conference presentations included building organizational resiliency and staff development, effectively telling a nonprofit’s story, thanking and communicating with donors, hosting successful events, and developing a diverse and invested Board of Directors. The day culminated with participants in small groups identifying ways that their organizations may collaborate to strengthen or expand nonprofit services, share resources, and partner on efforts like fundraising and training.

“The conference was amazing!” said Cheryl Oubre, Office Manager at CASA of Lafourche. “I learned some helpful strategies to increase funding and had the chance to get to know so many other nonprofits in our area stepping up to help kids in need, like Wallace Community Center. I also had a chance to explore possible collaboration with St. Francis Vegetable Garden to provide fresh fruits and vegetables to the children we serve.”

“After COVID and Hurricane Ida, I was in a slump, but the conference lit a fire in me and I’m really excited to get to work implementing the greaat things I learned for our nonprofit,” said Titus Savoie, Executive Director of Team Lifelines Suicide Awareness and Prevention, Inc. in Houma. “I particularly enjoyed the story-telling session, and the small group collaboration activity made my day!