Here are tips to keep your pets safe during the 4th of July celebrations

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Did you know that July 5 is the busiest day for animal shelters nation-wide? More pets get lost on the 4th of July than any other day of the year.

The Terrebonne Parish Animal Shelter has released a guideline of ways to keep your fur babies safe during the upcoming holiday. As stated on their flier, “While July 4th for us means hotdogs, family, and fireworks, for our furry companions, it can be very frightening.” Here are some safety tips to keep in mind before your 4th of July festivities begin.

  • VISIBLE IDENTIFICATION: Make sure your pet has up-to-date and visible ID tags. Microchips are even better! ID tags can be purchased at common pet stores such as PetSmart or PetCo.
  • KEEP YOUR PET(S) INSIDE: Keep your furry friends in a secure room or a crate during festivities. You can even play soft, relaxing music to help muffle the sounds of the fireworks. Make sure to check on them regularly, and keep them leashed during bathroom breaks.
  • EXERCISE: Taking your pets for a walk or a trip to the park before fireworks begin can help burn excess energy and help them sleep better during the celebrations.
  • COMFORT: Be sure to offer your pet(s) things that calm them, such as treats, their favorite blanket, toys, and plenty of attention.

Be sure to avoid giving your pets access to sparklers, charcoal, and fireworks, as these are very toxic to pets!

For more information, please visit the Terrebonne Parish Animal Shelter Facebook.