Local ministry God’s Little Warriors is creating and donating infant bereavement gowns for military families

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Bernadette Dugas, founder and creator of local ministry God’s Little Warriors, has been helping military in the Terrebonne Parish community and across the country cope with infant loss. The local seamstress takes donated military uniforms from American soldiers, both retired and deceased and sews bereavement gowns and cocoons for those lost in childbirth.

“My pastor says that God has given us all a gift, and we need to find what our gift is and use it for the good of the world,” explained Dugas. “I was anxious to find what my gift was. I have been sewing since 4th grade, and I’m now 74 years old– I saw online that someone was making bereavement gowns for children who passed, in utero or stillbirth, and donating them to local hospitals. I decided I wanted to do something similar, and began working with typical fabric. A very old and dear friend contacted me and asked if I could make something out of my husband’s military uniform, and things took off from there.” Dugas explained how this request touched her heart so deeply, and she made her first bereavement gown out of uniforms for military families. Each gown also comes with a card identifying the soldier who donated their uniform for this worthy cause.

“I posted this gown online and got a huge response,” said Dugas. “People began reaching out to donate their military uniforms to this cause. I now have uniforms from all the branches of service– Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard.” Those who wished to help with the cause but did not have access to military uniforms to donate began contributing sewing products such a s buttons, patches, pins, and more. “I was really touched by the amount of people who reached out to be apart of this ministry,” said Dugas.

Dugas continues to grow this ministry in order to bring peace and recognition to as many suffering military parents as possible. “I do not accept any monetary donations, but I do accept physical ones,” explained Dugas. “This entire ministry depends on people’s generosity and willingness to donate military uniforms and more.” If you have a military uniform or a piece of one (buttons, patches, pins, etc.) to donate to God’s Little Warriors, or for more information about this worthwhile cause, please reach out to Dugas via her Facebook.