Blanchard tapped as Thibodaux director

Dierdre A. Badeaux
June 14, 2011
Thursday, June 16
June 16, 2011
Dierdre A. Badeaux
June 14, 2011
Thursday, June 16
June 16, 2011

Cody Blanchard, who was named the executive director of Thibodaux Main Street, Inc. in March, said the non-profit organization would work toward self-sustainability within the next two years.

Thibodaux Main Street is part of the Louisiana Main Street program, which falls under the state lieutenant governor’s office. The program works to promote the cultural, economic, and historical components of classic commercial districts in the state, but the state grant is set to expire in two years.

“Essentially, we’re starting to produce events that are profitable so that Thibodaux Main Street becomes self-sufficient, because if not, we won’t have a Main Street to stand on,” Blanchard said.

Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government finances Houma Main Street, so it is not at risk with the expiration of the state grant.

With careful planning, Blanchard thinks the goal is achievable. “Because we have two years left on the grant, I believe [self-sustainability] very attainable,” Blanchard said. “It’s just going to take some hard work and dedication.”

Thibodaux Main Street is in the process of trying to parlay its downtown events into a form of profitability.

The organization is considering charging a “very minimal fee” for Big Boy’s Main Street Cook-off, reintroducing the annual sale of Christmas ornaments, soliciting corporate donations and spawning a Downtown Live after Five event.

Blanchard said a fee for attending Big Boy’s Cook-off is not set in stone, but if it were to be charged, all proceeds would go to Downtown Thibodaux.

“It’s kind of a long-term goal, but eventually we’d like to look at some financial incentive to better get businesses downtown, but that, of course, could be five or 10 years down the road,” Blanchard said. “It would take us getting self-sufficient first.”

Blanchard, a Pierre Part native and Nicholls State University graduate, also served as Thibodaux’s director of marketing and public relations for six months under former Mayor Charles Caillouet.