LOGA applauds legacy suit deal

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April 2, 2014
Undoing Common Core up for debate
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Dear Editor,

Sen. Robert Adley and Governor Bobby Jindal held a press conference last week announcing a compromise bill regarding Legacy Lawsuits in the state of Louisiana.

We appreciate Gov. Jindal, Sen. Adley and the other stakeholders who have been involved in crafting this very important bill. Hopefully this bill will have an overwhelming approval from the House and Senate as it makes it way through the legislative process.

It is time for the oil and gas industry and the state of Louisiana to move pass these legacy style suits and the immense job loss that has resulted from the suits.

The oil and gas industry is the backbone of our state, but cannot thrive with a litigious legal climate like what is currently in place.

Gifford Briggs,

Vice President, Louisiana Oil & Gas Association