A dog-gone Grand Isle mystery
September 13, 2016
Trojans have the winning mix
September 14, 2016
A dog-gone Grand Isle mystery
September 13, 2016
Trojans have the winning mix
September 14, 2016

Our story, ‘Alex Rios, Player of the Week,’ generated the following responses:

“Awesome! Good luck! Play safe and may God protect and bless you!”

– Sonya Chiasson Daigneault

“I know Lesley and Adrian are so proud! Ya’ll have raised an amazing young man! We miss ya’ll so much! Keep up the great work, Alec! You’re doing great!

– Karen Breazeale

“Wonderful job Alec! You are so well spoken. You are making so many people so proud of you!”

– Sierra Thames

“Way to go Alec! You are a wonderful young man. We are proud to have you here in the Vandebilt nation!”

– Terrier Tim

“Congratulations Alec!”

– Andrea Galjour

Our story, ‘A little something for everyone: St. Vincent de Paul eagerly awaits opening’ generated the following responses:

“I never knew where the money went when shopping at St. Vincent. Thanks for the info. I’m eager to visit!!”

– Debbie Rushing

“That’s awesome! Can’t wait for the new opening!”

– Logan Adams