Late-night gunplay in Waffle House parking lot
September 18, 2016
Leonard Theriot
September 20, 2016
Late-night gunplay in Waffle House parking lot
September 18, 2016
Leonard Theriot
September 20, 2016

Our poll, ‘Are you concerned with Hillary Clinton’s health in advance of the presidential election,’ generated the following responses:

“Concerned about what… her health? Who cares? I think it’s very entertaining actually. Her health doesn’t matter really, since she won’t win anyway.”

– Brian Pontiff

“Yes, clearly something’s wrong with her that they are hiding. That’s really bad for trust with her voters. But that’s just my opinion.”

– Dana Billiot

“She can’t withstand the job interview. How will she handle the job? It’s very troubling. There’s no way I’d vote for her after some of the things that have been coming out about her health. That all seems to be some really, really bad stuff – things that could make her have to resign.”

-Bobby Dillon

Our story, ‘Prep Roundup — Week 2’ generated the following responses:

“Go Trojans! That was a great win for our program over a good Vandebilt team.”

-Sal Newman

“Congratulations to all of the dynamite players on a job very, very well done.”

– William Forrest