July 28, 2018
TPR Director search down to 4
July 29, 2018
July 28, 2018
TPR Director search down to 4
July 29, 2018

At about this time each year, between the Easter and Thanksgiving holidays, I begin craving ham— not the proceed, sodium-infused “meat” behind the deli counter; but the beautifully sliced glazed ham that looks and tastes Like the real deal.

Holiday ham is still fair months away. Luckily, I have found Honeybaked Ham Cafe to satisfy my craving. Located next to Walmart in West Houma. Honeybaked Ham Cafe serves lunch Monday through Saturday with a selection of signature and specialty sandwiches as well as soups, salads, sides and desserts. My go-to sandwich is the Hani Classic featuring several thick slices of glazed Honeybaked ham, cheese, lettuce, savory mayo and hickory honey mustard, all between a flaky, buttery croissant.

The Ham Classic is the kind of sandwich you wish you could make at home and take with you on the go. The reality is. Honeybaked adds its own touch and flavors to make it a classic (pun intended) mat just tastes better coming from the cafe. As expected, the ham is the high light, with a sweetness that pairs perfectly with the croissant. The thickly carved slices allow the flavor of the ham to dominate the palate. Tender and warm, Honeybaked ham is reminiscent of leftover holiday ham that has extra time to soak up its own glaze and juices. Ifs as close as you can get to this desired flavor without an actual holiday.

What I enjoy most about Honeybaked ham, and the Ham Classic especially, is the noticeable absence of excess sodium. A typical deli ham sandwich is overly salty to the point that the salt masks the ham’s flavor. Honeybaked relies on its ham’s natural salt content to work with the sweet outer glaze, resulting in balanced flavor a an which the rest of the sandwich can be built.

Ham and cheese are like peas and carrots. The two just go together. The Ham Classic is served with a slice of Swiss, but I sub Cheddar on my sandwich because I prefer a slightly sharper, bolder bite. Essentially, I want to know cheese is in there and fighting for my taste buds’ attention. While Fm not a fan of sliced tomato and ask for my Ham Classic sans tomato. I do appreciate the fresh leaf of lettuce and the crunch and color mat it brings to the sandwich.

Aside from the signature ham, what defines any Honey-baked sandwich is the unique combination of condiments. The Ham Classic features the cafe’s own savory mayo and hickory honey mustard The former is a more robust version of traditional mayo, with an almost meanness and touch of spice. The hickory honey mustard is my personal favorite. With a smokiness that adds a hint of unexpected character, this honey mustard marries sweet and tangy flavors but allows the honey to wear the pants in the family. Together, these condiments elevate the carved ham to ensure the Ham Classic remains a Honeybaked original.

Those wanting to explore options beyond the traditional Ham Classic may find other sandwiches like the cafes Tavern Club more appealing. The Tavern Club packs Honeybaked ham, smoked turkey breast, bacon. Cheddar, lettuce, tomato, savory mayo and honey mustard between two slices of multigrain bread. The Ham Salad sandwich and BBQ Smoked Stacker are also popular with loyal Honeybaked guests.

No matter which sandwich I choose, visiting Honeybaked Ham Cafe always makes lunch feel like a holiday.