Pass the SALT!

Roberta Mott
May 4, 2018
May 4, 2018
Roberta Mott
May 4, 2018
May 4, 2018

More than being one of the most popular seasonings to cook with, salt has various healing properties. Not the table salt you find in your kitchen, but natural salts such as Himalayan and Epsom, are often referred to as medicinal salts and can be very beneficial to your health. Most are referred to as bath salts, but some can be consumed orally as well.

Epsom salt is mast commonly used in a warm water soak, like a bath. Epsom contains two important element are sulfate helps magnesium. The magnesium has anti-inflammatory properties and the sulfate helps with the absorption into the skin. Salt baths are commonly used to help with joint pain and arthritis. It ran also help with skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis.

Himalayan salt is increasing in popularity in the kitchen, with some recipes calling for the use of the pink salt. It’s a pure salt, containing all trace minerals that can help your body. This is also the beautiful crystal used in lamps.

Here are a few other unique ways you can receive the benefits that Bait has to offer.


Bare Essentials, Houma

The heliotherapy booth promotes better breathing, healthier skin. Bounder sleep and overall wellness. It can also help with stress relief. It is safe for children and adults. Sessions last 15 minutes and may help relieve symptoms associated with the following: sinus pressure, seasonal allergies, asthma, bronchitis, eczema and psoriasis. In the upcoming months. Bare Essentials will be adding a salt room to their business to further help your wellness needs.


Leisure Spa. Houma

This sensory deprivation technique draws some of its benefits from salt therapy. The 1000 pounds of Epsom salt in the 180 gallons of water creates a 30 percent salt solution. The high salinity of the water enables you to float effortlessly in the pod. The warm salt water is wonderful for your skin, acting as an exfoliate. It also helps with joint pain and sore muscles.


Heavenly Scent. Houma

Aside from being beautiful, the Himalayan salt lamps produce negative ions that can improve your health. They can also improve air quality, which can make it easier to sleep, tame allergies, and boost your energy levels.

Pass the SALT!Pass the SALT!