People worldwide pay tribute to their fathers

Remembering Barbara Dupre: Houma woman was a pioneer in Lions Club International
June 16, 2015
Giving Back
June 17, 2015
Remembering Barbara Dupre: Houma woman was a pioneer in Lions Club International
June 16, 2015
Giving Back
June 17, 2015

This Sunday is Father’s Day. I would like to dedicate this column to all the wonderful fathers, father figures and male mentors who have touched the lives of people in so many ways. You have influenced your own kids, others’ kids, your family, people you have mentored, people you’ve coached, and the world at large. Thank you for sharing yourselves with us.

One of the Ten Commandments is “Honor your father and mother.” This is the only commandment that ends with a promise. If you honor your father and mother, “you will live a long life, full of blessing.” The following are quotations from people worldwide who honor their fathers.

– “My father gave two most precious things for my whole life. One was love with sacrifice; the second was education with spirituality.”

– “My father has taught me the importance of hard work and sacrifice not by only his words but through his examples. As a child, I saw him wake up extra early to take care of the animals on our farm and spending long hours in traffic to and from work. He would often teach morals by saying, A liar is a thief, a thief is a murderer.’ This proverb taught me the importance of honesty and has helped me in decisions and situations I have faced in life so far. I have learned from him that hard work brings rewards and nothing is worth much without sacrifice. He embraced me with love and support when I felt the world had abandoned me during my trials. Although he is in another world, I feel he is still with me guiding and protecting me with his love and care where I am. He has also taught me the power of love and faith.”

– “My father taught me that no obstacle is too large to overcome if I put my mind to it. On the road of life there are often many ups and downs, but they are part of the journey and experiencing them makes us who we are. In the end, all that matters is doing what we enjoy and sharing our life with the people we love.”

– “The greatest gift dad gave me is taking responsibility for my thoughts, attitude and actions. He told me the seeds of greatness lie in taking responsibility for my life. He was a great man.”

– “Dad loved our mom and was always faithful to her. He loved us and always had our best interest in mind. He disciplined us yet nudged us to improve. He motivated us by love and was quick to forgive. We did fun stuff and had nice things. However, we were not pampered or spoiled because he knew where to draw the line.”

– “Dad worked hard at his job not because of the money, but because he believed in what he did. He knew when to quit for the day. He loved eating meals together. He lived within his means. He knew the difference between ‘want’ and ‘need.’ He cared about people more than money. He looked for opportunities to serve, especially those who couldn’t help themselves. He was very generous. He was always honest, both to us and to others. I never remember him telling a lie. He knew the importance of keeping his body healthy – not for vain reasons, but to remain effective in this world as long as possible.”

– “A father is a person who lets you experience life in your own way and then pulls you up when you fall. He allows you to get angry with him and yet still loves you. He lets you see things your own way and then gives his viewpoint. He is always there for you especially in time of need.”

May God bless all fathers on their special day and always.

‘The greatest gift dad gave me is taking responsibility for my thoughts, attitude and actions. He told me the seeds of greatness lie in taking responsibility for my life. He was a great man.’

People worldwide pay tribute to their fathers