Practicing good grammar is the life of every holiday party around the country!

Sheriff calls cuts a ‘no-win’ situation
December 5, 2018
Harry Allemand
December 6, 2018
Sheriff calls cuts a ‘no-win’ situation
December 5, 2018
Harry Allemand
December 6, 2018

Grammar: it’s everywhere. And, as soon as someone identifies himself as an expert, you can almost always safely assume he’s going to judge yon anytime you end a sentence with a preposition. That’s the quickest way to get on the naughty list!

I’m not here to bah-humbug your grammar: I just want to help improve your grammar in order to make your holiday aea-30R more holly and jolly.

Good grammar is wonderful because it opens doors—to Job interviews, romantic relationships and even elegant holiday parties where people drink mulled wine and feast ON roosted chestnuts. By improving your grammar, your Facebook Mends will rightly assume you’ve started buying one of those brand new Lexus-ea (Lead?) with a giant bow on it for your spouse.

When you want to sign your family’s collective name on a holiday card, how do yon write it? Is It The Millers” or “The Miller’s.

Everyone likes a good egg non-infused party (after all that’s why you’re improving your grammar, right?), and apostrophes are like sentence confetti adding & fun flair to your scintillating syntax. But a misplaced apostrophe is like confetti at a funeral—inappropriate and impossible to undo.

To make your last name plural, never add an apostrophe. Just don’t do it. The Millers went to the ice skating rink is correct Adding an apostrophe to your last name makes it possessive: Did you see The Millers” cool new inflatable Santa?

If your last name ends with a. z. x. ch or sh, simply add es to make it plural Seasons greetings from The Poxes. If your last name ends in any other letter (including y simply add an S: The Honeycutts are incredibly photogenic.

So, if you’re considering adding your family’s name on the back of your sleigh, write The Millers. Adding an apostrophe will simply get you uninvited from those swanky holiday parties, leaving you sadly to drink your mulled wine alone while yon wistfully stalk everyone else’s happy Christmas sweater-filled photos on Face-book.

Practicing good grammar is the life of every holiday party around the country!