Time to ready for storm season is upon us

Low prices upend shrimpers
June 2, 2015
Ella Verret
June 2, 2015
Low prices upend shrimpers
June 2, 2015
Ella Verret
June 2, 2015

Does your family have an emergency plan in place in case of storms or hurricanes? June marks the start of hurricane season, and it’s important to revisit your family’s disaster plan every year, even if you’ve experienced storms before.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (or NOAA) predicts 6-11 tropical storms, 3-6 hurricanes, and 0-2 major hurricanes this season. While this is considered a below average hurricane season, it’s important to always be prepared. It’s impossible to predict when disaster will strike, so making preparations early is the best way to keep your family safe.

The National Hurricane Center recommends that you take the following steps: create a plan for your family, locate a safe room or the safest areas in your home for each hurricane hazard, make a plan for your pets, and take first aid, CPR or disaster preparedness classes.

When creating your evacuation plan, it’s a good idea to have an out-of-state friend or family member serve as a contact for your entire family. In the event that you and your family become separated, you’ll have a common point of reference and a means to communicate with each other. Since cell phone communication can be spotty during and after a storm, this contact is essential to making sure everyone is safe.

Preparation should not be limited to those in the most vulnerable areas. If you do not live in the coastal regions, you may have family or friends there. Consider inviting friends and family from the southern part of the state into your homes, since vacant hotel rooms are scarce during evacuations. Your generosity and southern hospitality can be a real lifeline to those that must evacuate on short notice.

But folks in the northern parts of Louisiana should be prepared for hurricanes, too. Homes across the state can be vulnerable to damage. Tornadoes, widespread rains and flooding can occur anywhere. Regardless of where you live, please be mindful of these threats and take the necessary precautions to protect your home.

I’m doing everything I can to take precautionary measures at the federal level. As the chair of the Senate Small Business Committee, I’m introducing legislation to help small businesses get back up and running after a major disaster. And last year I led efforts to pass the Water Resources and Reform Development Act (WRRDA) into law. This legislation included improved funding mechanisms to assist with flood control. I’ve also helped secure funding for flood control measures in Louisiana, enabling local officials to make key infrastructure improvements to better protect Louisianians.

Hurricanes are part of life in Louisiana every year, and advance preparations can help reduce their impact on your family. Please take hurricane watches and warnings seriously and plan ahead for your family’s safety, while encouraging your neighbors to do the same.

Preparation should not be limited to those in the most vulnerable areas. If you do not live in the coastal regions, you may have family or friends there.

Time to ready for storm season is upon us