D-Day Museum (New Orleans)

Everything you need to know you DIDN’T learn in Kindergarten
August 3, 2011
Keith Joseph Landry
August 5, 2011
Everything you need to know you DIDN’T learn in Kindergarten
August 3, 2011
Keith Joseph Landry
August 5, 2011

945 Magazine St. Admission is $14 for adults; $8 for seniors. (504) 527-6012.

“Joe Beyrle: A Hero for Two Nations” through Aug. 7. The story of an American Airborne soldier who fought in both the American and Russian forces during World War II. Originally a paratrooper with the U.S. Army, he did a month-long stint with the Russians after escaping from a POW camp.

“Pieces of Hitler’s Atlantic Wall.” Three large segments of Nazi Germany’s infamous Atlantic Wall, each piece measures 5.5 feet tall and 18 inches thick and, in total, weighs nearly 22 tons, all pockmarked from the gunfire of incoming Allied troops, were donated by the Utah Beach Museum at Sainte-Marie-du-Mont, France.