"La Sirena" (New Orleans)

Everything you need to know you DIDN’T learn in Kindergarten
August 3, 2011
Keith Joseph Landry
August 5, 2011
Everything you need to know you DIDN’T learn in Kindergarten
August 3, 2011
Keith Joseph Landry
August 5, 2011

Aug. 18-28, at the AllWays Lounge & Theatre, 2240 St. Claude Ave. (504) 218-5778 or www.theallwayslounge.com. Tickets are $15. Opera singer Marina Morelli is having another birthday and is considering plastic surgery. The diva gets more than she bargains for when her estranged husband, Giancarlo, an extreme S&M enthusiast, surprises her with a meeting with a world-famous surgical artist and his “creations”: his wife, Barbara, and his assistant, Azmodius.