The Historic New Orleans Collection/Williams Gallery (New Orleans)

Everything you need to know you DIDN’T learn in Kindergarten
August 3, 2011
Keith Joseph Landry
August 5, 2011
Everything you need to know you DIDN’T learn in Kindergarten
August 3, 2011
Keith Joseph Landry
August 5, 2011

533 Royal St., Tuesday through Saturday (excluding holidays) from 9:30 a.m-4:30 p.m., and Sunday from 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (504) 523-4662. Online:

“The Golden Legend in the New World: Art of the Spanish Colonial Viceroyalties,” through Aug. 14. Features early maps and portraits, most religious in character, from the Andes region between the cities of Cuzco and Potosi.

“West Florida: Contact, Conflict and Culture.” Exhibition on the history of Louisiana’s Florida parishes, the eight parishes east of the Mississippi River and north of Lake Pontchartrain.

“The 18th Star: Treasures from 200 Years of Louisiana Statehood,” Aug. 30 through Jan. 29, 2012. Features an array of signature items from the HNOC to tell stories that have defined Louisiana since its entry into the Union on April 30, 1812 as the 18th state.