Healthy eating – the resolution we all share

Zane Williams
December 27, 2010
Colonels finding more balance in non-conference schedule
December 29, 2010
Zane Williams
December 27, 2010
Colonels finding more balance in non-conference schedule
December 29, 2010

It’s the time of year when we set goals in hopes of improving our quality of life.

Terrebonne General Medical Center’s clinical nutrition manager Jamie Luke and executive chef Jackie Marsh agree that dropping unwanted pounds, eating healthier and exercising more are at the top of the list.

“This is the time of the year where people want to improve themselves overall,” Luke said, “and shedding a few pounds can make all the difference in how they see themselves.”

And in Luke’s six years at TGMC, she agrees that eating well and taking care of your body makes you feel better. Unfortunately, she said people tend to believe that extreme dieting and healthy weight loss go hand in hand.

But that mentality is wrong, Marsh said.

“Most people try to lose weight quickly, but that not healthy,” Luke said. “Losing one or two pounds a week is healthy weight loss for anyone.”

TGMC recently partnered with Morrison Healthcare Food Service and revamped its whole dining experience in an attempt to lead by example. The elements of the new program n “Balance” n can be implemented at home, too. Opt for dishes low in fat, cholesterol and sodium; eat more fish; consider no-sugar-added baked goods and desserts; and cook with oils that are free of artificial trans fats.

“People tend to think that healthy foods don’t look enticing to eat,” the executive chef said. “They think that it tastes nasty but, actually, it doesn’t. Healthy cooking can taste just as good as fattening foods. It’s all about the preparation. With healthy eating, people can add herbs, healthier oils or seasonal vegetables to the meal to make it taste good. It’s all about the mindset of the person.”

Editor’s Note: For healthy-living recipes from TGMC executive chef Jackie Marsh, visit