Houmapalooza 2012 dates set

Ramona Tipton
February 2, 2012
Stuart John Stein
February 6, 2012
Ramona Tipton
February 2, 2012
Stuart John Stein
February 6, 2012

The Houma Regional Arts Council has set the 2012 dates for the bi-annual Houmapalooza and is now accepting applications from musicians and bands who wish to fill one of the 20 one-hour blocks.

The downtown Houma music festival will be held Saturday, April 14 and Saturday, Nov. 3 in Courthouse Square. Each festival will be free to attend, run from noon to 10 p.m. and feature 10 independent bands who perform original music.

The Arts Council will try to capitalize on a successful first year in its quest to provide musicians from across the region the chance to perform original works for the public’s benefit, said Glenda Toups, executive director of the Council.

“We are certain this is growing into a trademark music festival for south Louisiana musicians and music lovers,” she said.

The concert was first held in April 2011 and was followed with another concert in November of that year, featuring more than 115 musicians in 20 bands.

Bands who wish to perform must play at least one hour of original material and be unsigned by a major label.

The arts council does not pay performance fees, but selected bands will receive professional development opportunities and be invited to attend musician workshops that touch on topics like music copyrighting, managing contracts and creating press kits.

For more information or to submit a performance application, visit www.houmapalooza.com.