Explosives found in Schriever shed

Feb. 22
February 5, 2007
Bernice Hughes
February 7, 2007
Feb. 22
February 5, 2007
Bernice Hughes
February 7, 2007


It was an unpleasant surprise for the new owners of a Schriever home: explosives stored in the shed.

As it turned out, the devices, which authorities say could not have exploded under any circumstances, were the remnants of the former owner’s work for the FBI.

The discovery was made when the daughter of previous homeowner Neil Allen, who has since moved to Texas, went to the house to retrieve some things left behind during the move and informed the new residents of the C-4 explosives stored out back, Louisiana State Police Trop C spokesman Rodney Hyatt said.

C-4 is a variety of plastic explosive that even in small quantities can cause serious destruction.

The new homeowners contacted state police, a call that resulted in the deployment Thursday morning of a spate of law-enforcement officials, including state and federal investigators, Hyatt said.

The homeowners n Irvin and Kasey Trahan n declined comment Thursday.

Allen was a consultant on explosive materials working on contract for the FBI, according to Sheila Thorne, a spokeswoman for the New Orleans division of the agency.

“This being an inert device and having a background (in explosives), one can obtain these devices requiring no clearance,” Thorne said Friday. She said the devices were intended for use as training aides at trade shows in the bomb-tech industry.