Reader: Community has changed for the worse

Little time in crowded 5th Dist. race
August 29, 2013
Reader: T-bonne wrong in case
August 29, 2013
Little time in crowded 5th Dist. race
August 29, 2013
Reader: T-bonne wrong in case
August 29, 2013

Dear Editor,

I remember a time not long ago when living in Chauvin was fun, entertaining and something to actually be proud of.

Nowadays, not so much.

It seems as though every week someone new falls victim to theft as the number of CDS users in this area continues to increase. I personally have on more than one occasion been plucked of my property by these thoughtless and merciless individuals and can attest to how hopeless and disheartening such an incident can leave one.

The recent grave robbing at St. Joseph Church however is far more nauseating than anything else I’ve experienced or even heard of in recent years and is just another alarming example of the careless and unpardonable acts these mortal crack-shack inhabitants are willing to use to feed their addictive cravings. 

For the first time in my 34 yrs. here I am ashamed. I am ashamed to invite out-of-town family and friends to visit an a! rea that leaves them at risk of having a felony committed against them during their stay. I am ashamed to live in a town in which it’s residents do little or nothing to combat the forever increasing crime related directly to illegal substance abuse. Most of all though, I am ashamed to be raising children in an environment where crime and crazed drug users outnumber that of civil, encouraging, hardworking and socially responsible citizens.

Craig Dykes,

Chauvin, La.