Trojans set to hold weekend celebration

Norval Pitre
August 23, 2016
2016 prep football schedule breakdown
August 24, 2016
Norval Pitre
August 23, 2016
2016 prep football schedule breakdown
August 24, 2016

Central Lafourche High School is celebrating its 50th year in the 2016-17 academic year. To celebrate the occasion, the school is throwing a community-wide celebration this weekend.

Central Lafourche will host its Green and Golden Family Day this Saturday — a community-wide celebration which will celebrate the school’s 50th birthday.

According to school administrators, the event will feature food, music and fun for people of all ages — an event which everyone can enjoy.

The Green and Golden Day will take place on the school’s campus.

It is free to people of all ages.

One doesn’t have to be an alum of the school to attend.

“Hopefully it’s a really big event for our community,” assistant principal Chris Arnold said.

One of the big attractions surrounding the celebration will be an open car show, which will allow vehicle lovers to showcase their wheels on the campus.

According to a flyer sent out by the school, all makes, models and years are welcome, and a best of show will be crowned at the event.

To enter a ride, it costs $30 and all proceeds will go to Central Lafourche’s 50th anniversary celebration.