February 22, 2018
Terriers score Division III State Championship; Lady Terriers finish short
February 22, 2018
February 22, 2018
Terriers score Division III State Championship; Lady Terriers finish short
February 22, 2018

There’s nothing better than taking a bite of a fresh summer salad, made completely of vegetables you grew in your own backyard. But for many people, the labor that goes into planting a garden is a huge deterrent. Prospective gardeners are often intimidated by the hassle of digging trenches while some simply don’t have room in their backyards for rows upon rows of towering veggies. The solution to this horticulture conundrum? A raised-bed garden.

Raised-bed gardening is the perfect way to plant and grow based on your space. The box takes up far less space than tilling rows in half of your backyard, giving you the beauty and sustainably you desire without eliminating your press green space. You can grow vegetables, herbs, ornamental flowers…All you need is a little imagination and to a few simple steps:

1. The Container: Pre-fabricated box kits are the easiest. A simple 30 x 30 inch box, made of cedar, can be easily installed in any space. You simply create the box, hammer it into the ground, and you’re done. There is no bottom. These boxes are built directly on top of the ground.

2. Fill with Dirt: Raised-bed gardening allows for you to be able to select the best soil for the particular plants you want to grow. You can use a different soil in each container you build, based on the plants’ needs.

3. Plant your Crop: Choose your plants with the help of store experts. Different types of vegetables and flowers need different things such as sunlight, water and nutrients. Place the plants far enough apart so that they will have room to grow and thrive.

4. Water, Water, Water! Raised beds have excellent draining, but it also means you will need to keep a close eye on your plants and make sure they have plenty to drink!


• You are able to start with quality soil versus testing and retesting the soil in your yard.

• They are great for yards with limited space.

• The above ground height of the boxes can be easier on backs and knees. The beds can even be built to a height that is wheelchair friendly, allowing for gardeners of all ages to enjoy the outdoors.

• Garden boxes also have fewer weeds and ground-dwelling pests.

• Better soil aeration and more room for roots can contribute to a boost in plant yield.

• Extend your growing season by planting earlier. There’s no ground frost to worry about with raised beds.