Yoshi’s back in fun-for-aii upcoming fall Nintendo release

July 14, 2015
What would YOU do to win?
July 14, 2015
July 14, 2015
What would YOU do to win?
July 14, 2015

The kids are out for summer, so we wanted to review a family-friendly title this month – something that gamers of all ages could enjoy.

So we decided to get an advance copy of Yoshi’s Woolly World, which is currently making its rounds through Europe and will arrive in the states this fall.

OK, I should probably preface my comments about this one by saying that my video game wheelhouse is in sports and/or shooters. If it doesn’t involve a ball or me shooting a bad guy, we’re usually not interested.

So I approached this month’s review with a bit of a closed mind, fully expecting to be bored pretty quickly with what the Woolly World had to offer.

I was pretty pleasantly surprised.

Similar to the wildly popular ‘Little Big Planet’, the characters on Yoshi’s Woolly World are knitted dinosaurs who reside on an island that is also made of fabric – hence the title.

The game is in the Mario family, obviously, so it is adventure-based and centralized on navigating Yoshi and his friends through levels and challenges.

The controls are basic, and anyone of any age can play. The beginning stages are super-basic and very easy to push through. But as the game progresses, the difficulty elevates and gamers are left having to chase elusive collectibles and other treasures that keep you on your toes throughout the ascent from start to finish.

Look, it is what it is. It’s a good, clean family-oriented title that all children can enjoy. For adults, it’s not ideal, but after a few test drives, you find yourself glued to it, too.

It’ll be here just in time for Christmas, and would be a great stocking stuffer for any gamer – male or female – who wants some clean, wholesome fun.

I know my nephews will want this one.

It’s a game I’ll enjoy playing with them, as well.

Yoshi’s Woolly World will give gamers a Mario Brothers-like feel, except while commanding the loveable sidekick. Set to be released in the United States this fall, it’ll be a safe, family-friendly grab for the kiddos once the holiday shopping season gets here.