Skate Park Fun

Steven Pellegrin
December 1, 2016
Authorities: Thibodaux couple admits to stealing from elderly relative
December 1, 2016
Steven Pellegrin
December 1, 2016
Authorities: Thibodaux couple admits to stealing from elderly relative
December 1, 2016

Who says skating is a young person’s game? At the Friends of Fireman’s Park in Houma this past week, skaters of all ages were enjoying the nice, sunny weather, while showcasing their ability to do some cool, hip tricks.

The skate park in Houma isn’t just for skateboarders. Folks are welcome to test out the course on bikes or even scooters, as well. This youngster is making a lap on the street ramp.


Craig Kelpsch shows he can still push himself with the best of them. He pulled off this impressive trick with relative ease.

Ken Hill attempts a trick on his skateboard, attempting to balance himself.